Aarogyam 1.3 with UTSH near me in Greater Noida
Understanding Aarogyam 1.3 with UTSH in Greater Noida
What is Aarogyam 1.3 with UTSH in Greater Noida?
Aarogyam means a state of disease free health or complete well-being. It is well known that ‘prevention is better than cure’ and this package is designed specifically for that purpose. It includes a unique diagnostic profile of tests for a comprehensive health evaluation. It screens the most common diseases involving thyroid, heart, liver, kidney and bones. It also screens for Anemia. This package is also ideal for those already suffering from diabetes, kidney or liver disease to monitor the progress of disease and the effectiveness of treatment measures taken.
What does Aarogyam 1.3 with UTSH measure?
Contains 64 testsCystatin D
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
The Blood Urea Nitrogen test measures the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood. Urea is a waste product which is formed in the liver. It is formed when protein is metabolized into amino acids. This leads to the production of ammonia which is further converted into urea which is a less toxic waste product.
Both ammonia and urea have nitrogen as their component. The liver releases urea into the blood which is then carried out to the kidneys. Here, it is filtered out of the blood and then released into the urine. Since this is a continuous process, a small and stable amount of urea nitrogen always remains in the blood.
In case of kidney or liver diseases, there is a change in the amount of urea present in the blood. If the liver produces urea in increased amounts or if there is any problem in the functioning of the kidneys, there can be difficulty in filtering out wastes of the blood which will lead to rising in urea concentrations in the blood. If due to liver damage or disease there is less production of urea, the concentration of BUN will fall.
The BUN test is done along with creatinine test to evaluate kidney function to diagnose kidney disease and to monitor patients undergoing treatment of kidney disease.
Know more about Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
Toxic Elements 22
This further contains
- Mercury
- Cadmium
- Aluminium
- Chromium
- Barium
- Cobalt
- Caesium
- Selenium
- Arsenic
- Bismuth
- Beryllium
- Antimony
- Thallium
- Strontium
- Uranium
- Molybdenum
- Vanadium
- Manganese
- Tin
- Lead
- Silver
- Nickel
Liver Function Test
LFT measures the level of liver enzymes, proteins, and bilirubin in the blood.
The liver is a wedge-shaped organ located in the right upper part of the abdomen. The liver helps in the synthesis of certain proteins, produces bile (an alkaline compound which helps in the breakdown of fat), process the bilirubin (a yellowish substance produced from the breakdown of hemoglobin) and helps in removing ammonia and other toxins (harmful substances) from the body. It plays an important role in the metabolism of fats, protein, and carbohydrates. It stores glycogen, vitamins, and minerals as well as helps in the metabolism (breakdown) of certain drugs.
Many diseases affect the health of the liver like hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, alcoholic hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, cirrhosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), bile duct obstruction, liver or bile duct cancer and many others. Liver function can also be affected by various risk factors like alcohol abuse, certain drugs, sedentary lifestyle, and obesity. Regular monitoring of liver function is essential for early detection of any liver abnormality.
LFT is a group of tests that measure the levels of Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), Total protein, Bilirubin and Gamma Glutamyltransferase (GGT) in blood. Each component has its own significance and helps to understand a particular aspect of the liver function.
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) is an enzyme and this test measures the level of this enzyme in the blood. ALT is also known as serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) and is mainly found in the liver, but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, pancreas and muscles. This enzyme is released into the bloodstream in case of liver disease or damage leading to increased ALT blood levels, a specific indicator of liver injury. However, this test cannot determine the extent or severity of the liver damage.
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)
This test measures the level of the enzyme AST in your blood. It is also known as serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT). AST is found in the liver and is released in the blood in large amounts in case of any liver injury. AST levels are usually measured along with ALT as AST is not specific for liver (also found in the heart, skeletal muscle and other organs). Your doctor may also recommend an ALT/AST ratio to help in the diagnosis.
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
This test measures the blood levels of the enzyme ALP which is found in the liver (one of the main source), bile ducts, bones, intestine, pancreas and kidney. ALP helps to break down proteins in the body. Diseases that mainly harm or damage the cells of the liver and bile duct, leading to overproduction and release of this enzyme into the bloodstream. This causes increased blood ALP levels.
Total Serum Protein
This test measures the total amount of protein in the blood, which includes two major types of proteins: albumin and globulin. The test report mentions separate results for total protein, albumin, globulin and albumin/globulin ratio (A/G ratio).
The level of proteins in the blood indicates the biosynthetic capacity of the liver. Hepatocytes (liver cells) are unable to synthesize this protein in certain liver diseases leading to a fall in protein levels in the blood.
Albumin is synthesized only in the liver. It helps to transports minerals, enzymes, hormones, bilirubin and some medicines throughout your body. It prevents the fluid from leaking out of your blood vessels into the tissues.
Globulin is synthesized in the liver and by the cells of the immune system. It plays a key role in fighting infections and transports many enzymes, hormones, minerals and some medicines in the body.
This test measures the amount of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a waste product formed by the breakdown of red blood cells and is processed by the liver.
Bilirubin blood test report includes separate values for direct (conjugated) bilirubin, indirect (unconjugated) bilirubin, and total bilirubin.
When heme is released from the hemoglobin, it is converted to bilirubin. This is called unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin which is carried to the liver by some proteins.
In the liver, bilirubin gets attached (conjugated) to modified sugars (glucuronic acid) and form conjugated (direct) bilirubin.
Both these forms can be measured or estimated by laboratory tests, and a total bilirubin result (includes both direct and indirect bilirubin) is also measured.
A damaged liver can’t properly process bilirubin, leading to abnormally high levels of bilirubin in the blood. Increased unconjugated bilirubin in the blood results due to its overproduction or improper uptake by the liver. Increased conjugated bilirubin results can be seen in diseases that reduce the rate of secretion of conjugated bilirubin into the bile or the flow of bile into the intestine resulting in a backward flow of conjugated bilirubin into the blood.
Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT)
This test measures the level of the enzyme GGT in your blood which is present in large amounts in the liver. It is a transport molecule and it helps the liver to metabolize many drugs and toxins. GGT is a very sensitive test for detecting any liver disease especially due to alcohol abuse and is also one of the first enzymes to rise in patients with bile duct obstruction like tumor or stones.
Know more about Liver Function Test
This further contains
- Albumin
- Bilirubin Indirect
- Bilirubin Direct
- Gamma Glutamyl Transferase
- Protein Total
- Bilirubin Total
- Alanine Transaminase
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- Aspartate Aminotransferase
- Globulin, Serum
- Albumin/Globulin Ratio, Serum
Kidney Panel
This further contains
- Blood Urea Nitrogen
- Creatinine
- BUN/Creatinine Ratio
- Blood Urea
- Uric Acid
Thyroxine - Total
Thyroxine (T4) Total test measures the total levels (both free and bound forms) of Thyroxine hormone (T4) in the blood.
The thyroid gland secretes the following hormones:
Triiodothyronine (T3)
Thyroxine (T4)
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), also called Thyrotropin is a hormone secreted into the blood by the pituitary gland (a gland present in the brain). It directs the thyroid gland to produce and release the thyroid hormones (T3 & T4) into your blood. The iodine from the food stimulates the thyroid gland to make the thyroid hormones.
The thyroid hormones regulate growth and metabolism. If the thyroid gland produces very high amounts of these hormones (T3 and T4), symptoms of weight loss, rapid heartbeat, tremors, sweating, anxiety, increased sensitivity towards heat, etc occurs. This is known as Hyperthyroidism.
The decreased production of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) results in Hypothyroidism which may lead to weight gain, fatigue, slow heart rate, increased sensitivity towards cold, depression, dry and thin hair, etc.
There is a feedback system in the body to maintain stable amounts of the thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) in the blood. When the levels of thyroid hormones decrease, the pituitary gland is stimulated to release TSH. High TSH, in turn, increases the release of thyroid hormones (T3 & T4) from the thyroid gland and vice-versa.
T4 hormone constitutes about 90% of thyroid hormones and circulates in the blood in two forms:
1) Bound form - It is bound to the proteins present in blood and this prevents it from entering the body tissues. The three main proteins in the blood that the T4 hormone is bound to are albumin, transthyretin and Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG). TBG is also called Thyroid hormone Binding Globulin (THBG).
2) Free form - It enters the body tissues where it is needed and this is the active form.
Hence, the T4 hormone can be measured as Free T4 or Total T4. The total T4 includes both bound and free forms circulating in the blood and can be affected by the amount of protein available in the blood to bind to them.
While the total T4 test is a useful indicator of T4 levels in the presence of normal binding proteins, it is not useful when levels of binding proteins are increased or decreased. For example, increased total T4 levels can be seen despite normal levels of free T4 levels and normal thyroid function due to an increase in thyroxine-binding proteins.
Thyroxine (T4) Total test is also done as a part of the Thyroid profile Total test which includes two more tests: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Triiodothyronine (T3) Total.
Know more about Thyroxine - Total
Cardiac Risk Markers
Apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) is a protein that plays an important role in the transportation and metabolism of lipids and is the main protein component in high-density lipoprotein. Apo A-I is ordered in someone who has a personal or family history of abnormal lipid levels and/or premature cardiovascular disease. It may be ordered when your doctor is trying to determine the cause of a person's high cholesterol.
High sensitive CRP: High sensitive C reactive protein is a test that measures the amount of C reactive protein in the blood. The level of this marker is elevated in cases of inflammation in the body. This test can evaluate your risk of heart diseases such as coronary artery disease.
Apolipoprotein B/ Apolipoprotein A1 Ratio helps in evaluating your risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD); It is also used to monitor treatment for high cholesterol. This test is not widely used for a screening test but may be ordered if a person has a family history of heart disease and/or high cholesterol and triglycerides (hyperlipidemia).
Lipoprotein B is a marker that has been proven to indicate a person's chance of having a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke.
Apolipoprotein B is ordered along with an apo A-I or other lipid tests, when a healthcare practitioner is trying to evaluate someone's risk of developing CVD and when a person has a personal or family history of heart disease and/or abnormal lipid levels, especially when the person has significantly elevated triglyceride levels.
Know more about Cardiac Risk Markers
This further contains
- Lipoprotein A
- High Sensitive CRP
- Apolipoprotein - A1
- Apolipoprotein - B
- Apolipoprotein B/A1 Ratio
Triiodothyronine Total
Triiodothyronine (T3) Total Test measures the total levels (both free and bound forms) of Triiodothyronine (T3) hormone in the blood.
The thyroid gland secretes the following hormones:
Triiodothyronine (T3)
Thyroxine (T4)
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is a hormone secreted into the blood by a gland present in the brain (Pituitary gland) and it tells your thyroid gland to make and release the thyroid hormones (T3 & T4) into your blood. The thyroid gland uses iodine from food to make the thyroid hormones.
The thyroid hormones are essential for growth and metabolism. If the thyroid gland produces very high amounts of these hormones (T3 and T4), you may experience symptoms of weight loss, rapid heartbeat, tremors, sweating, anxiety, increased sensitivity to heat etc. and this is known as Hyperthyroidism.
Also, the decreased production of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) results in Hypothyroidism which may cause symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, slow heart rate, increased sensitivity to cold, depression, dry and thin hair etc.
There is a feedback system in the body to maintain stable amounts of the thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) in the blood. When thyroid hormone levels decrease, the pituitary gland is stimulated to release TSH. This high TSH in turn leads to the release of more thyroid hormones (T3 & T4) from the thyroid gland and vice-versa.
Majority of the T3 hormone is formed from T4 hormone and a smaller fraction is produced directly by the thyroid gland. T3 hormone circulates in the blood in two forms:
1) Bound form - It is bound to proteins present in blood and this prevents it from entering body tissues. The two main proteins in the blood that the T3 hormone is bound to are albumin and Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG), also called Thyroid hormone Binding Globulin (THBG).
2) Free form - It enters the body tissues where it is needed and this is the active form. Free Triiodothyronine (FT3) constitutes only 0.3% of the total T3 hormone.
The total T3 includes both bound and free forms circulating in the blood and can be affected by the amount of protein available in the blood to bind to them. The T3 hormone can be measured as Free T3 or Total T3. Triiodothyronine (T3) Total Test measures the total levels (both free and bound forms) of Triiodothyronine (T3) hormone in the blood and is usually done as a part of the Thyroid Profile Total test which includes two more tests: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Thyroxine Total (T4) hormone.
Know more about Triiodothyronine Total
Testosterone Total
Testosterone is a sex hormone which is mainly found in men. It can also be found in women but in small amounts. The appearance of male physical characteristics is due to testosterone hormone. Testosterone Total measures the levels of testosterone in the blood.
In men, testosterone is produced by the Leydig cells present in the testicles. It is also produced by the adrenal glands in both males and females. In females, small amounts of testosterone are produced by the ovaries.
The function of testosterone is to develop secondary sex characteristics which include enlargement of the penis, body hair growth, development of muscle, and deepening of the voice. During puberty, it is produced in large amounts in males. In adult males, its function is to regulate the sex drive and to maintain muscle mass. In adult females, the testosterone gets converted to estradiol, which is the main sex hormone in females.
The testosterone hormone production is regulated by luteinizing hormone (LH), which is produced by the pituitary gland. As the levels of testosterone rise, the production of LH decreases which in turn slows down the production of testosterone. Similarly, when the levels of testosterone fall, it leads to an increase in production of LH which stimulates testosterone production.
The levels of testosterone are highest in the early morning and lowest in the evening. With exercise, the levels of testosterone increase and with age the levels decrease.
In the blood, about two-thirds of testosterone hormone is bound to sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and about one-third is bound to albumin. A small amount is present as free testosterone.
Know more about Testosterone Total
Diabetic Screen
This further contains
- Glycosylated Hemoglobin
- Average Glucose (For last 60 - 90 days)
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is a part of B complex of vitamins. Vitamin B12 is also called as Cobalamin. It is a water soluble vitamin. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in formation of normal red blood cells, repair of tissues, DNA synthesis and genetic material in cells. It is not produced in the body and has to be taken in diet. The diet sources include red meat, fish, milk, poultry, yoghurt, eggs, fortified cereals, breads and other grain products. It can also be taken in the form of Vitamin B12 tablets or multivitamin pills. The deficiency of Vitamin B12 results in macrocytic anemia (size of red blood cells larger than normal).
Megaloblastic anemia is a type of macrocytic anemia, in which large size red blood cells called as macrocytes are produced. These red blood cells are fewer in number. There is a decrease in white blood cell count and platelet count. Megaloblastic anemia occurs due to acquired deficiency of Vitamin B12. The reason can be an inadequate dietary intake of Vitamin B12 or any problem in the absorption of Vitamin B12 from the intestines.
In case of problem in the absorption of Vitamin B12 from intestines, it is known as Pernicious anemia. It occurs due to lack of intrinsic factor which is present in secretions of the stomach.
Vitamin B12 is also important for nerve health and is taken as a nutritional supplement for the treatment of nerve damage.
Vitamin B12 binds with intrinsic factor (protein secreted by cells in the stomach). After binding, a complex is formed which is absorbed by the small intestine. In case of any disease interfering in this process can cause weakening of absorption of Vitamin B12.
Know more about Vitamin B12
Vitamin D (25-OH)
Vitamin D Test measures the levels of Vitamin D in the blood. Two forms of vitamin D can be measured in the blood, 25-hydroxyvitamin D and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. The 25-hydroxyvitamin D is the major form found in the blood and is the relatively inactive precursor to the active hormone, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. Because of its long half-life and higher concentration, 25-hydroxyvitamin D is commonly measured to assess and monitor vitamin D status in individuals.
The 25-hydroxyvitamin D test is done to determine the level of Vitamin D in your blood, whether it is low or higher than normal. Low levels can be seen if a person is not getting enough exposure to sunlight or enough dietary vitamin D to meet his or her body's demand or if there is a problem with its absorption from the intestines (cystic fibrosis, crohn’s disease, who have undergone gastric bypass surgery). Sometimes, medicines used to treat seizure (Phenytoin) can cause Vitamin D deficiency by interfering with transformation to 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the liver. Severe liver and kidney diseases can also cause vitamin D deficiency. High levels reflects excess supplementation of the vitamin.
Know more about Vitamin D (25-OH)
The Homocysteine Test measures the levels of homocysteine in the blood.
Homocysteine is an amino acid which is an intermediate in the production of cysteine from methionine. Methionine is obtained from dietary sources, mainly fish, meat, and dairy products, and is converted to homocysteine, and then to cysteine in the body. This conversion from methionine to cysteine is regulated by various enzymes which require Vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid to work. Deficiency of these vitamins causes an increase in the levels of homocysteine in the body. Increased homocysteine levels in the blood can be due to a rare genetic disease called homocystinuria, where the enzymes needed for methionine metabolism are dysfunctional.
Increased levels of homocysteine in the blood are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases including atherosclerosis, thrombosis (formation of blood clots) in blood vessels, heart attack, and stroke. It has also been implicated in some studies with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Know more about Homocysteine
Lipid Profile
The Lipid Profile Test typically measures the levels of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. Other results that may be reported include VLDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol ratio.
Lipids are fatty acids which store energy for the body and play essential roles in cellular structure and cell signaling. Cholesterols and triglycerides are essential lipids, carried in the blood by lipoprotein particles made up of cholesterol, triglycerides, proteins and phospholipid molecules. The lipoprotein particles are classified according to their densities into High Density Lipoproteins (HDL), Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL), and Very Low Density Lipoproteins (VLDL).
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance formed in the liver, as well as obtained from dietary sources. It is found in all the cells and is an essential part of the structural framework of the cells apart from performing various vital body processes. However, excess cholesterol is harmful. Increased cholesterol in blood can cause it to get deposited on the inner walls of the blood vessels forming plaque.
Triglycerides are the commonest type of fat in the body. Triglycerides are obtained from dietary sources and form the stored fat in adipose tissues. Increase in triglyceride concentration can also give rise to cardiovascular diseases.
High Density Lipoproteins or HDLs are high density particles which help to reduce the chances of cardiovascular diseases by picking up and carrying lipoprotein particles of lower density to the liver for disposal.
Low Density Lipoproteins or LDLs are lipoprotein particles of low density which carry cholesterol to the tissues. Cholesterol carried by LDLs easily comes out of blood and get deposited on the inner walls of the blood vessels, increasing the chances of cardiovascular diseases.
Very Low Density Lipoproteins or VLDLs are lipoprotein particles of very low density which carry triglycerides to the tissues. Excess triglycerides in blood causes increase in VLDL particles which in turn again increases the chance of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Plaque deposition makes the lumen of the blood vessels narrower thereby preventing proper flow of blood and may stop the flow completely. Excessive plaque deposition can also cause the arteries to harden, giving rise to a condition called Atherosclerosis. Improper flow of blood prevents the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the vital organs and may cause heart attack or stroke.
Know more about Lipid Profile
This further contains
- Cholesterol - LDL
- Triglycerides
- Cholesterol - Total
- Cholesterol - HDL
- Very Low Density Lipoprotein
- Total Cholesterol/HDL Cholesterol Ratio
- LDL/HDL Ratio
- Non HDL Cholesterol
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Ultrasensitive
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) test measures the amount of TSH in your blood which helps to find out if the thyroid gland is working normally or not. Low TSH levels indicate hyperthyroidism and high TSH levels indicate hypothyroidism.
In case of hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland produces very high amounts of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) and you may experience symptoms of weight loss, rapid heartbeat, tremors, sweating, anxiety, increased sensitivity towards heat, etc. In case of Hypothyroidism, there is a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) which may cause weight gain, fatigue, slow heart rate, increased sensitivity towards cold, depression, dry and thin hair, etc.
There is a feedback system in the body to maintain stable amounts of the thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) in the blood. TSH signals the thyroid gland to make and release the thyroid hormones (T3 & T4) into the blood when the level of thyroid hormones is low and can also signal the thyroid gland to lower the production of thyroid hormones when the level of thyroid hormones is very high. So, when the thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) levels decrease, the pituitary gland is stimulated to release TSH and this high TSH level, in turn, stimulates thyroid gland to release more thyroid hormone (T3 & T4) from the thyroid gland and the vice-versa happens when the thyroid hormone levels are very high.
Know more about Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Ultrasensitive
Zinc, Serum
Zinc is a mineral which is a micronutrient (required by the body in small amounts). It has a number of essential roles in the body. Zinc is a structural component of a number of proteins. It is essential in the synthesis of proteins and DNA, for cell division, and is necessary for proper enzymatic activity. It is also essential in the proper functioning of the immune system and in wound healing. Zinc is essential for proper physical and mental growth and development of children. It is also essential for the senses of taste and smell.
Zinc is absorbed primarily from dietary sources. It is transported in the serum bound to proteins, namely, albumin and alpha-macroglobulin. Excess zinc is disposed out of the body primarily through the feces, and a small amount through urine and sweat. The absorbed amount of zinc is utilized by almost all the cells of the body but is not stored anywhere in particular.
Know more about Zinc, Serum
Copper, Serum
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