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X - Ray TM Joint - Open Mouth near me in Ghaziabad
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Understanding X - Ray TM Joint - Open Mouth in Ghaziabad
What is X - Ray TM Joint - Open Mouth in Ghaziabad?
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. These joints allow jaw movements. X-Ray TM Joint - Open Mouth helps diagnose any jaw dislocation/injury at the TMJ site or the related muscles. Medically, if you have symptoms like pain in the ear, face, jaw, or mouth, or difficulty in chewing, then your doctor may advise this test.
The X-ray produces a black and white image using an x-ray machine to assess the TMJ and related areas. A radiologist will assess the images and send a report to your doctor, who will decide your future course of treatment. It is a safe and painless procedure. The advantages are that it produces little to no radiation and is completed within 15 minutes.
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