Urine Routine & Microscopy near me in Greater Noida
Understanding Urine Routine & Microscopy in Greater Noida
What is Urine Routine & Microscopy in Greater Noida?
Urine routine microscopy is a microscopic examination of urine sample to check for the presence of blood cells, crystals, bacteria, parasites, and cells from tumors in it. This test is mostly advised in case of symptoms suggestive of urinary tract infection (UTI) such as abdominal pain, back pain, painful or frequent urination & blood in the urine. Urinary tract is a combination of kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. UTI is not fatal in general, however if left untreated it may cause damage to multiple organs.
This test is used as a part of routine investigation, work up for planned surgery and confirm the finding of other diagnosis such as kidney disorders, liver diseases, diabetes etc.
Pregnant women should get this test done regularly to avoid infection and related diseases.
What does Urine Routine & Microscopy measure?
Contains 12 testsUrine Routine and Microscopy test involve the three-part evaluation of the urine sample.
1. Gross Examination - It involves the visual examination of the urine sample for color and appearance.
2. Chemical Examination - It is done by urine dip-stick method which involves the use of reagent test strips. These test strips are dipped into the urine sample and the colors that develop are matched with the control for analysis. It is done to examine the urine sample for glucose, protein, pH, specific gravity, blood, nitrites, ketones, leukocyte esterase, bilirubin, and urobilinogen.
3. Microscopic Examination - It involves the examination of the urine sample under the microscope for casts, crystals, cells, bacteria, and yeast.
Specific Gravity
Ph for Urine
Epithelial Cell
Protein Urine
The Protein, Urine measures the excessive protein excreted in the urine. The urine protein tests measure the protein which is released into the urine. Normally, the urine protein elimination is less than 150 mg/day and less than 30 mg of albumin/day. Temporarily raised levels may be seen in conditions such as stress, infections, pregnancy, cold exposure, diet, or heavy exercise.
The appearance of persistent protein discharge in the urine suggests possible kidney damage or the requirement of additional tests to know the cause.
In a normal functioning kidney, the filtered proteins are retained or reabsorbed and sent back to the blood. Whereas, if any damage is caused to the kidneys then it may affect their functioning which may cause detectable amounts of protein extracted into the urine.
Know more about Protein Urine
Glucose - Fasting Urine
The Glucose - fasting urine test measures the levels of glucose in urine during the period of fasting. The most common cause of high levels of glucose in the urine is diabetes. In diabetes, the way the body processes the glucose gets affected. The insulin hormone is responsible for controlling the metabolism of glucose in the blood. In diabetic patients, the body is either not able to make enough insulin or the body is not able to utilize the insulin produced. Due to this, the glucose starts to build up in the blood and the kidneys are not able to control it to release it into the urine.
The presence of glucose in the urine is termed as glycosuria or glucosuria. This could be due to side effects caused by certain medicines or problems in the kidney, such as renal glycosuria.
Know more about Glucose - Fasting Urine
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