Tejpatta also known as Indian Bay Leaf is used to impart a characteristic flavor in various cuisines. It gives a warm, peppery, clove-cinnamon like flavor to food. All parts of this plant (leaves, bark, oil) are used for various medicinal purposes. Tejpatta has antioxidant, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antimicrobial activities. It helps in improving the immune system, gastrointestinal tract and liver[1].
What are the synonyms of Tejpatta?
Cinnamomum tamala, Tejpat, Tejpata, Vazhanayila, Tamalpatra, Biryani aaku, Bagharakku, Tamala patra, Develee, Tejpatra, Tamalapatra, Dalchini Ele, Dalchini pan, Tajpatra, Karuvapatta patram, Tamalpatra, Tejapatra, Tajpater, Lavangapatri, Akupatri, Tezpat., Bay leaf
What is the source of Tejpatta?
Plant Based
Benefits of Tejpatta

Modern Science View
Tejpatta may be useful in the management of Diabetes. It contains certain phytochemicals that improve glucose metabolism. It also possesses insulin-like activity[4][5].

Ayurvedic View
Diabetes also known as Madhumeha is due to an aggravation of Vata and impaired digestion. Impaired digestion leads to an accumulation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) in the pancreatic cells and impairs the function of insulin. Regular use of Tejpatta in your diet helps to control high blood sugar level. This is because Tejpatta (Bayleaf) has Ushna (hot) potency which promotes healthy digestive fire and reduces Ama.
1. Take ¼-½ teaspoon Tejpatta powder.
2. Swallow it with water after lunch and dinner to maintain normal blood sugar level.
1. Take ¼-½ teaspoon Tejpatta powder.
2. Swallow it with water after lunch and dinner to maintain normal blood sugar level.

Modern Science View
Tejpatta has anti-flatulent and carminative property. It may be useful in the management of gastric disorders such as flatulence[8][9].

Ayurvedic View
Flatulence or gas is caused due to an imbalance of Vata and Pitta dosha. Low Pitta dosha and aggravated Vata dosha results in low digestive fire, thus impairing digestion. Impaired digestion leads to gas formation or flatulence. Tejpatta improves the digestive fire and prevents gas formation because of its Deepan (appetizer) property.
1. Take 1-2 raw dried Tejpatta leaf.
2. Use it while cooking to add flavor and taste in food as well as to get rid of gas or flatulence.
1. Take 1-2 raw dried Tejpatta leaf.
2. Use it while cooking to add flavor and taste in food as well as to get rid of gas or flatulence.

Modern Science View
Not enough scientific evidence is available to support the role of Tejpatta in stimulation of bile flow.

Ayurvedic View
Regular use of Tejpata helps to correct digestive problems like abdominal pain, gas, indigestion and nausea. This is because of its Ushna (hot) potency. It stimulates bile flow which promotes healthy digestive fire and gets rid of digestive problems.
1. Take 1-2 raw dried Tejpatta leaf.
2. Use it while cooking to add flavor and taste in cuisine as well as to get rid of digestive problems.
1. Take 1-2 raw dried Tejpatta leaf.
2. Use it while cooking to add flavor and taste in cuisine as well as to get rid of digestive problems.

Modern Science View
Tejpatta may be useful in the management of Cancer. Tejpatta is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids. They help in eliminating free radicals which can reduce the risk of cancer[6][7].
How effective is Tejpatta?
Insufficient evidence
Cancer, Diabetes, Flatulence (gas formation), Indigestionasdf
Precautions when using Tejpatta

Modern Science View
There is not enough information about the safety of taking Tejpatta if you are breastfeeding. So it is advisable to avoid Tejpatta during breastfeeding[2].
Patients with diabetes

Modern Science View
Tejpatta may lower blood sugar level. So it is generally advised to monitor your blood sugar regularly while taking Tejpatta along with antidiabetic drugs[2].

Modern Science View
There is not enough information about the safety of taking Tejpatta if you are pregnant. So it is advisable to avoid Tejpatta during pregnancy[2].
Side Effects

Modern Science View
1. Gastrointestinal tract Obstruction
2. Breathing Obstruction[3].
2. Breathing Obstruction[3].
severe medicine interaction

Modern Science View
1. Tejpatta may possess anticonvulsant effect. So please consult your doctor before taking anticonvulsant along with Tejpatta[3].
2. Tejpatta may cause sedation. Taking sedatives along with Tejpatta may cause excessive sleepiness, so please consult your doctor[2].
3. Tejpatta may interfere with the metabolism of narcotic pain relievers. It is generally advised to monitor your liver enzymes while taking Tejpatta along with narcotic pain reliever[2].
2. Tejpatta may cause sedation. Taking sedatives along with Tejpatta may cause excessive sleepiness, so please consult your doctor[2].
3. Tejpatta may interfere with the metabolism of narcotic pain relievers. It is generally advised to monitor your liver enzymes while taking Tejpatta along with narcotic pain reliever[2].
How to use Tejpatta
1. Raw dried Tejpatta leaf
a. Take 1-2 raw dried Tejpatta leaf.
b. Use it while cooking to add flavor and taste in food.
2. Tejpatta Powder
a. Take ¼-½ teaspoon Tejpatta powder.
b. Swallow it with water after lunch and dinner to maintain normal blood sugar level.
a. Take 1-2 raw dried Tejpatta leaf.
b. Use it while cooking to add flavor and taste in food.
2. Tejpatta Powder
a. Take ¼-½ teaspoon Tejpatta powder.
b. Swallow it with water after lunch and dinner to maintain normal blood sugar level.
Benefits of Tejpatta

Modern Science View
Although not enough scientific evidence is available, Tejpatta may be useful in the management of rheumatism. It is due to its anti-inflammatory property[11].

Ayurvedic View
According to Ayurveda, the bones and joints are considered the site of Vata in the body. An imbalance in the Vata dosha causes joint pain in rheumatism. A massage with Tejpatta oil helps to reduce joints pain because it has Vata balancing property.
1. Take 2-5 drops of Tejpatta oil.
2. Mix it sesame oil and apply on the affected area.
3. Use it 1-2 times a day to get rid of joint pain.
1. Take 2-5 drops of Tejpatta oil.
2. Mix it sesame oil and apply on the affected area.
3. Use it 1-2 times a day to get rid of joint pain.

Modern Science View
Not enough scientific evidence is available to support the role of Tejpatta in case of dandruff.

Ayurvedic View
As per Ayurveda, dandruff is a condition marked by flakes of dry skin on the scalp which may be attributed to an aggravated Vata and Pitta dosha. Tejpatta helps in balancing Vata and Pitta dosha and helps to control dandruff. This is due to its Tikshna (strong) property.
1. Take 2-5 drops of Tejpatta oil or as per your requirement.
2. Mix with coconut oil.
3. Apply on the scalp 2-3 hours before taking shower.
4. Wash it with cool water.
5. Repeat 2-3 times a week to get rid of dandruff.
1. Take 2-5 drops of Tejpatta oil or as per your requirement.
2. Mix with coconut oil.
3. Apply on the scalp 2-3 hours before taking shower.
4. Wash it with cool water.
5. Repeat 2-3 times a week to get rid of dandruff.

Modern Science View
Although not enough scientific evidence is available, Tejpatta may be useful in managing boils[12].

Ayurvedic View
Boils are localized tender, inflamed, pus-filled swellings in the skin surrounded by large red areas. According to Ayurveda, it occurs due to an imbalance of all the three (Vata-Pitta-Kapha) doshas. Applying Tejpatta oil or powder helps to dry out boils and drain the pus formed in them. This is due to its Tikshna (strong) property. It also helps in quick healing of boils due to its Ropan (healing) nature.
1. Take 2-5 drops of Tejpatta oil.
2. Mix it coconut oil and apply on the affected area.
3. Use it 1-2 times a day to get rid of boils.
1. Take 2-5 drops of Tejpatta oil.
2. Mix it coconut oil and apply on the affected area.
3. Use it 1-2 times a day to get rid of boils.
How effective is Tejpatta?
Insufficient evidence
Boils, Dandruff, Rheumatic pain
FAQs about Tejpatta benefits
Precautions when using Tejpatta

Ayurvedic View
Tepatta (Bay leaf) essential oil should be used after diluting with coconut oil. This is because it has Ushna (hot) potency which may cause skin irritation or allergy if you have hypersensitive skin.
Side Effects

Modern Science View
1. Dermatitis
2. Hand and face Eczema
2. Hand and face Eczema
Recommended Dosage of Tejpatta
- Tejpatta Oil - 2-5 drops or as per your requirement.
- Tejpatta Powder - ½ to 1 teaspoon or as per your requirement.
How to use Tejpatta
1. Tejpatta Toothpaste
a. Take ½-1 teaspoon of Tejpatta powder.
b. Add honey to form a paste.
c. Massage the teeth and gums gently with this paste.
d. Rinse your mouth with fresh water.
e. Use this twice a day for whiter teeth and to get rid of swollen gums.
2. Tejpatta Oil
a. Take 2-5 drops of Tejpatta oil.
b. Mix it with sesame oil and apply on the affected area.
d. Use it 1-2 times a day to get rid of swelling and inflammation.
a. Take ½-1 teaspoon of Tejpatta powder.
b. Add honey to form a paste.
c. Massage the teeth and gums gently with this paste.
d. Rinse your mouth with fresh water.
e. Use this twice a day for whiter teeth and to get rid of swollen gums.
2. Tejpatta Oil
a. Take 2-5 drops of Tejpatta oil.
b. Mix it with sesame oil and apply on the affected area.
d. Use it 1-2 times a day to get rid of swelling and inflammation.
Frequently asked questions

Ayurvedic View
Generally Bay leaves should be removed from the cooked food before eating. This is because it is hard to digest and also has sharp edges which can get stuck in the throat.

Modern Science View
Bay leaves can be used in fresh, dried and powdered form. It can be used as a spice in cooking and to make tea. It can also be burnt indoors to release compounds that are beneficial for health. Bay leaf powder can also be applied on the skin to manage skin infections.

Modern Science View
Bay leaf and Basil have similar appearance but different properties and uses in cooking. Fresh Bay leaf does not have much flavour but once it has been dried it develops a woody bitter flavour. Fresh basil, on the other hand, has a strong mint flavour which becomes mild when dried.

Modern Science View
Tejpatta (Bay leaves) can be dried naturally by keeping them in direct sunlight. They can also be placed on a paper towel and put in the microwave for 2-3 minutes.

Modern Science View
Bay leaves are safe to be consumed. But there are certain Bay-like leaves which appear the same or have similar names and are toxic. These toxic bay-like leaves include Mountain Laurel and Cherry Laurel. They are leathery in appearance and all parts of their plant is toxic.

Modern Science View
Tejpatta has an unpleasant taste. If it is swallowed as a whole or in large pieces, it may cause choking of the digestive and respiratory tract.

Ayurvedic View
Generally Tejpatta (Bay leaf) should be removed from the cooked food before eating. This is because it is hard to digest and has sharp edges which may get stuck in your throat.

Modern Science View
The essential oils present in Tejpatta is believed to exhibit a soothing effect on your body and mind when you burn them. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
1. Take 1 Tejpatta.
2. Light the leaf in an ashtray and leave it to burn for 10 minutes.
1. Take 1 Tejpatta.
2. Light the leaf in an ashtray and leave it to burn for 10 minutes.

Modern Science View
Tejpatta is a natural cockroach repellent. It cannot kill the cockroach but the smell of the essential oils present in Tejpatta is unbearable for cockroach. This property of Tejpatta makes it a best and safest cockroach repellent.

Ayurvedic View
Tejpatta (Bayleaf) tea helps to correct digestive problems like abdominal pain, gas, indigestion and nausea. This is because of its Ushna (hot) potency but if it takes the excessive amount it can because of stomach upset and leads to diarrhea.

Modern Science View
Tejpatta may be useful in managing skin infections due to its antibacterial property. The anti-pathogenic property of Bay leaf is also beneficial against boils and wound infections[13][14].

Ayurvedic View
Varicose veins are those veins that tend to bulge and are found on the back of the calf, the inside of the leg and the ankles. According to Ayurveda, Varicosis is a condition of Vata imbalance. Tejpatta powder or oil reduces the symptoms of varicose veins when applied externally. This is due to its Vata balancing property.
1. Take 2-5 drops of Tejpatta oil.
2. Mix it with Sesame oil and apply on the affected area.
3. Use it 1-2 times a day to reduce varicose veins.
1. Take 2-5 drops of Tejpatta oil.
2. Mix it with Sesame oil and apply on the affected area.
3. Use it 1-2 times a day to reduce varicose veins.
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The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.