Ghee, also known as Ghrta in Ayurveda is an excellent Anupana (therapeutic vehicle) for transporting the properties of herbs to the deep tissues of the body. It is the most widely used milk product in the Indian diet for proper digestion and absorption of food. There are two types of Ghee, one made from dairy milk and other made from vegetable oil, which is known as vanaspati ghee or vegetable ghee. Further, Ghee made from dairy are of two types “Cow ghee and Buffalo ghee”. Dairy Ghee is pure, nutritious and is considered healthier in comparison to vegetable Ghee. Ghee is a rich source of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. It helps in strengthening the bones and gives nourishment and strength to the body[2][3].
What are the synonyms of Ghee?
Gava Ghee, Gava Ghrit, Clarified butter, Gaya Ghee, Tuppa, Pasu, Ney, Pasu Nei, Toop, Gai Ghia, Nei, Neyyi, Nei, Gaya ka ghee[1].
What is the source of Ghee?
Plant Based
Benefits of Ghee
1. Malnutrition
Malnutrition can be correlated to Karshya disease in Ayurveda. This is due to lack of nutrients and improper digestion. Regular use of Ghee helps to manage malnutrition. This is due to its Kapha increasing property which gives strength to the body. Ghee provides instant energy and fulfills the calorie requirement of the body.
2. Weak memory
Sleeplessness and stress are the main causes of a weak memory or memory disorder. Ghee is used as a brain tonic to improve concentration and enhance the memory. This is due to its Vata balancing and Balya (strength provider) properties.
3. Recurrent infection
Ghee helps to control recurrent infections like cough and cold, allergic rhinitis due to change in weather. Ghee is one of the best Ayurvedic remedies for such conditions. Regular use of Ghee in the diet helps to increase immunity to fight against recurrent infections. This is due to its Ojas (immunity) enhancing the property.
4. Loss of appetite
Ghee helps to improve appetite when it is made a part of the daily diet. In Ayurveda, loss of appetite is due to Agnimandya (weak digestion). It is caused by an aggravation of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas leading to incomplete digestion of food. This causes insufficient secretion of gastric juice in the stomach resulting in a loss of appetite. Taking Ghee on a daily basis stimulates the digestive fire and improves appetite.
Malnutrition can be correlated to Karshya disease in Ayurveda. This is due to lack of nutrients and improper digestion. Regular use of Ghee helps to manage malnutrition. This is due to its Kapha increasing property which gives strength to the body. Ghee provides instant energy and fulfills the calorie requirement of the body.
2. Weak memory
Sleeplessness and stress are the main causes of a weak memory or memory disorder. Ghee is used as a brain tonic to improve concentration and enhance the memory. This is due to its Vata balancing and Balya (strength provider) properties.
3. Recurrent infection
Ghee helps to control recurrent infections like cough and cold, allergic rhinitis due to change in weather. Ghee is one of the best Ayurvedic remedies for such conditions. Regular use of Ghee in the diet helps to increase immunity to fight against recurrent infections. This is due to its Ojas (immunity) enhancing the property.
4. Loss of appetite
Ghee helps to improve appetite when it is made a part of the daily diet. In Ayurveda, loss of appetite is due to Agnimandya (weak digestion). It is caused by an aggravation of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas leading to incomplete digestion of food. This causes insufficient secretion of gastric juice in the stomach resulting in a loss of appetite. Taking Ghee on a daily basis stimulates the digestive fire and improves appetite.
Precautions when using Ghee
Advice from Experts
Ayurvedic View
1. Take Ghee in the recommended dose and duration when used as a medicine, a high dose can lead vomiting and loose motion.
2. Avoid Ghee in case of liver problems like jaundice and fatty liver.
3. Take Ghee in a small amount if you have an excess cough and cold. This is because ghee has cold potency.
4. Take Buttermilk or warm water if you face indigestion after taking Ghee.
2. Avoid Ghee in case of liver problems like jaundice and fatty liver.
3. Take Ghee in a small amount if you have an excess cough and cold. This is because ghee has cold potency.
4. Take Buttermilk or warm water if you face indigestion after taking Ghee.
Ayurvedic View
Ghee can be taken in food amount during breastfeeding.
Ayurvedic View
Always add Ghee in the diet during pregnancy. You can start consuming Ghee in the first trimester. But if an increase in weight is a concern or you are already overweight, then it is recommended to include Ghee in your diet after consulting your doctor.
How to use Ghee
A. For constipation
Take 1-2 teaspoon of Ghee with warm milk at night before sleeping for managing constipation.
B. For headache
Put 2-3 drops of Ghee in each nostril for relieving headache once or twice a day.
C. To remove dryness
Take 1-2 teaspoon of Ghee on an empty stomach for reducing dryness in the body.
Take it once a day for three months for better results.
D. Daily cooking
Take 1-2 teaspoon of Ghee for cooking your daily food.
Take 1-2 teaspoon of Ghee with warm milk at night before sleeping for managing constipation.
B. For headache
Put 2-3 drops of Ghee in each nostril for relieving headache once or twice a day.
C. To remove dryness
Take 1-2 teaspoon of Ghee on an empty stomach for reducing dryness in the body.
Take it once a day for three months for better results.
D. Daily cooking
Take 1-2 teaspoon of Ghee for cooking your daily food.
Benefits of Ghee
1. Wound healing
Ghee helps in quick healing of wound, decreases swelling and brings back the normal texture of the skin because of its Ropan (healing) nature. It also reduces the inflammation and burning sensation by giving cooling effect due to Sita (cold) property.
2. Anti-Wrinkle
Wrinkles are due to aging, dry skin and lack of moisture. According to Ayurveda, it is due to an aggravated Vata. Ghee helps in controlling wrinkles and increases moisture content in the skin because of its Snigdha (oily) nature and Vata balancing nature.
3. Hair loss
Ghee helps to control hair fall and promote hair growth when applied on the scalp. This is because hair fall is mainly due to an aggravated Vata dosha in the body. Ghee acts on hair fall by balancing Vata dosha. It also promotes hair growth and removes excess dryness. This is due to its Snigdha (oily) and Ropan (healing) properties.
4. Joint Pain
Ghee helps to reduce bone and joint pain when applied to the affected area. According to Ayurveda, the bones and joints are considered a site of Vata in the body. Pain in the joints is mainly due to Vata imbalance. A massage with Ghee helps to reduce joint pain due to its Vata balancing property.
Ghee helps in quick healing of wound, decreases swelling and brings back the normal texture of the skin because of its Ropan (healing) nature. It also reduces the inflammation and burning sensation by giving cooling effect due to Sita (cold) property.
2. Anti-Wrinkle
Wrinkles are due to aging, dry skin and lack of moisture. According to Ayurveda, it is due to an aggravated Vata. Ghee helps in controlling wrinkles and increases moisture content in the skin because of its Snigdha (oily) nature and Vata balancing nature.
3. Hair loss
Ghee helps to control hair fall and promote hair growth when applied on the scalp. This is because hair fall is mainly due to an aggravated Vata dosha in the body. Ghee acts on hair fall by balancing Vata dosha. It also promotes hair growth and removes excess dryness. This is due to its Snigdha (oily) and Ropan (healing) properties.
4. Joint Pain
Ghee helps to reduce bone and joint pain when applied to the affected area. According to Ayurveda, the bones and joints are considered a site of Vata in the body. Pain in the joints is mainly due to Vata imbalance. A massage with Ghee helps to reduce joint pain due to its Vata balancing property.
Precautions when using Ghee
Advice from Experts
Ayurvedic View
1. Use Ghee in small quantity or on alternative days if your skin is too oily.
2. Use Ghee after diluting with coconut oil before applying to hair.
2. Use Ghee after diluting with coconut oil before applying to hair.
How to use Ghee
A. For dry skin
Use Ghee directly on the skin once a day or thrice a week to prevent dryness and inflammation.
B. For dry lips
Apply Ghee with sugar on lips and scrub to remove dead cells.
C. For headache
Massage with Ghee on the forehead and feet for relieving headache once daily.
D. For hair fall
Apply Ghee with coconut oil on the scalp thrice a week for reducing hair fall.
E. For wound healing
Apply Ghee with turmeric powder on the wound for quick healing and reducing burning sensation.
Use Ghee directly on the skin once a day or thrice a week to prevent dryness and inflammation.
B. For dry lips
Apply Ghee with sugar on lips and scrub to remove dead cells.
C. For headache
Massage with Ghee on the forehead and feet for relieving headache once daily.
D. For hair fall
Apply Ghee with coconut oil on the scalp thrice a week for reducing hair fall.
E. For wound healing
Apply Ghee with turmeric powder on the wound for quick healing and reducing burning sensation.
Frequently asked questions
Modern Science View
Although Ghee is healthier and rich in vitamins but if we talk in terms of calories than butter has lesser calories than ghee.
Modern Science View
Ghee has a shelf life of 3 months at the room temperature when kept in a closed lid jar.
If stored in the refrigerator it can stay fresh even for 1 year. Refrigeration does not affect its softness and texture. It will again melt when kept at room temperature or heated.
If stored in the refrigerator it can stay fresh even for 1 year. Refrigeration does not affect its softness and texture. It will again melt when kept at room temperature or heated.
Modern Science View
There are approximately 50-60 calories in 1 teaspoon of Ghee.
Modern Science View
Yes, Ghee can be used on the hair. It will protect it from dryness and make it soft and shiny.
1. Take 1 teaspoon of Ghee and add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil to it.
2. Massage on the scalp and hair for 10-15 minutes.
3. Keep it for 2-3 hours.
4. Wash with any mild shampoo.
1. Take 1 teaspoon of Ghee and add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil to it.
2. Massage on the scalp and hair for 10-15 minutes.
3. Keep it for 2-3 hours.
4. Wash with any mild shampoo.
Modern Science View
Yes, Ghee helps to soften stools. It helps to lubricate the digestive tract for easy passage of stool. Due to its oily nature, it makes the stool soft. It also helps to control the symptoms of indigestion like flatulence and bloating[5].
Modern Science View
Yes, Ghee has a role in weight loss. It helps in the faster digestion and absorption of food. It helps in acid secretion in the stomach that helps in digestion of food. It also helps to stimulate the satiety centre in the brain. This helps to control appetite, thus helps in weight loss[6].
Modern Science View
Yes, Ghee is good for the brain. It helps to improve the overall mental functioning. It improves mental alertness and memory[7].
Ayurvedic View
Yes, Ghee is good for health when it is taken on a daily basis. It helps to promote good digestive fire and boost your mental and physical health due to its Ojas (immunity) enhancing property.
Modern Science View
Yes, Ghee is good for the stomach because it protects the inner layer of the stomach from gastric juice. This is because of its Ropan (healing) and Sita (cold) property.
Ayurvedic View
Yes, Ghee is good for managing the symptoms of inflammation because of its Ropan (healing) and Sita (cold) properties.
Ayurvedic View
No, Ghee has Sita( cold) potency and does not heat the body.
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- Sharma H, Chandola HM.Chapter 18 – Ayurvedic approach to food and dietary supplements for the brain and neurologic health.Bioactive Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements in Neurological and Brain Disease Prevention and Therapy.2015: 173–177.
- Prasad RBN, Yadav KD.17–Trans fats replacement solutions in india.Trans Fats Replacement Solutions.2014:365–383.
- Sastry JLN.Dudh Varga. Dravaguna Vijnana. DPB Publications.2016.
- Karandikar YS, Bansude AS, Angadi EA.Comparison between the Effect of Cow Ghee and Butter on Memory and Lipid Profile of Wistar Rats.J Clin Diagn Res. 2016;10(9): 11–15.
The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.