Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus trees are one of the the tallest trees with medicinal benefits. Eucalyptus oil also known as Nilgiri oil is obtained from the leaves of this tree. It is a pale yellow color oil with a characteristic odor and medicinal benefits. Eucalyptus oil possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-asthmatic properties. Eucalyptus oil is good to manage asthma, joint pain, cold and chest congestion. It is also useful in case of ringworm, acne, dental plaque, bad breath and headache[2][3].
What are the synonyms of Eucalyptus oil?
Eucalyptus globulus, Ekaliptah, Sugandha Patrah, Blue gum, Eucalyptus, Yukeliptas, Yukkaalimaram, Nilgiri, Jeevakamu, Tailaparnah, Nilaniryasa
What is the source of Eucalyptus oil?
Plant Based
Benefits of Eucalyptus oil

Modern Science View
Eucalyptus oil contains a compound that has anti-inflammatory property. It inhibits chemicals that cause inflammation thus reducing inflammation of the respiratory tract. Thereby making it easier for the asthmatic person to breathe. Due to this, it may be useful in managing long-term bronchial asthma[2][3-5].

Ayurvedic View
Eucalyptus oil helps to reduce the symptoms of asthma. According to Ayurveda, the main doshas involved in asthma are Vata and Kapha. The vitiated ‘Vata’ combines with deranged ‘Kapha dosha’ in the lungs causing obstruction in the respiratory passage. This results in difficulty in breathing. This condition is known as Swas Roga or Asthma. Applying Eucalyptus oil on back and chest helps to calm Kapha and loosen the accumulated mucus in the lungs. This gives relief from the symptoms of asthma.
a. Take 2-4 drops of Eucalyptus oil.
b. Dilute with 1 -2 teaspoon of Coconut oil.
c. Massage on the chest and back to get relief from the symptoms of asthma.
a. Take 2-4 drops of Eucalyptus oil.
b. Dilute with 1 -2 teaspoon of Coconut oil.
c. Massage on the chest and back to get relief from the symptoms of asthma.

Modern Science View
Eucalyptus oil may be useful in managing bronchitis due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. Eucalyptus oil inhibits the production of nitric oxide that plays a significant role in inflammatory diseases. It is also useful in managing the symptoms of bronchitis, such as a persistent cough that causes difficulty in breathing[2][3-6].

Ayurvedic View
Eucalyptus oil is useful if you have cough related problems like bronchitis. In Ayurveda, this disease is known as Kasroga. A massage with Eucalyptus oil reduces excess mucus accumulation and reduces inflammation because of its Kapha balancing and Ushna (hot) properties.
1. Take 2-4 drops of Eucalyptus oil.
2. Dilute with 1 -2 teaspoon of Coconut oil.
3. Massage on the chest and back to get relief from congestion in bronchitis.
1. Take 2-4 drops of Eucalyptus oil.
2. Dilute with 1 -2 teaspoon of Coconut oil.
3. Massage on the chest and back to get relief from congestion in bronchitis.

Modern Science View
Eucalyptus oil has antibacterial and antiplaque properties. Due to these properties, it may be useful in preventing and reducing the accumulation of dental plaque[4][7][8].

Modern Science View
Gingivitis is a gum disease that causes inflammation of the gums. Eucalyptus oil has antibacterial property due to which it may be useful in inhibiting the growth of gingivitis-causing bacteria[4][7].

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Eucalyptus oil may be useful in managing bad breath[4].

Ayurvedic View
Eucalyptus oil helps to manage bad breath when it is used in gargle water. Eucalyptus oil has a pleasant smell which might reduce bad breath. Avoid drinking the gargle water.
a. Put 2-4 drops of Eucalyptus oil in a glass of hot water.
b. Gargle in the morning to manage bad breath.
a. Put 2-4 drops of Eucalyptus oil in a glass of hot water.
b. Gargle in the morning to manage bad breath.

Modern Science View
Topical application of Eucalyptus oil along with peppermint oil may have a mentally-relaxing effect and may help in thinking better. However, it may not reduce the pain completely[4][9][10].

Ayurvedic View
Eucalyptus oil might give relief from a headache associated with common cold. This kind of headache is mainly due to excess Kapha. Eucalyptus oil when applied on the forehead or inhaled helps to remove mucus due to its Kapha balancing property. It also has a pleasant smell which helps to relax the mind.
a. Put 2-4 drops of Eucalyptus oil in a bowl.
b. Cover your face with a towel and inhale for 5-10 minutes.
c. Repeat once or twice a day to get relief from headache.
a. Put 2-4 drops of Eucalyptus oil in a bowl.
b. Cover your face with a towel and inhale for 5-10 minutes.
c. Repeat once or twice a day to get relief from headache.

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Eucalyptus oil may be useful in managing wounds[2][4].

Ayurvedic View
Eucalyptus oil helps in quick healing of the wound, decreases swelling and brings back the normal texture of the skin. Eucalyptus oil with coconut oil helps in quick healing and reduce inflammation due to its Ropan (healing) properties.
1. Take 2-4 drop of Eucalyptus oil.
2. Dilute with 1 -2 teaspoon of Coconut oil.
3. Apply on the affected area once or twice a day for quick healing of wound.
1. Take 2-4 drop of Eucalyptus oil.
2. Dilute with 1 -2 teaspoon of Coconut oil.
3. Apply on the affected area once or twice a day for quick healing of wound.

Modern Science View
Certain compounds present in Eucalyptus oil have toxic effect against head lice eggs and adult female lice. Thus, spraying or applying Eucalyptus oil on the scalp may be useful in managing head lice[4][14-16].

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Eucalyptus oil may be useful in managing nasal congestion due to cold as well as sinus congestion[4][17][18].

Ayurvedic View
Eucalyptus oil helps to control nasal congestion. During winter, due to excess Kapha, mucus becomes sticky and thick. This causes nasal blockage. Applying Eucalyptus oil or taking inhalation liquefies the mucus. This is due to its Kapha balancing property.
1. Put 2-4 drops of Eucalyptus oil in a bowl.
2. Cover your face with a towel and inhale for 5-10 minutes.
3. Repeat once or twice a day to get relief from nasal congestion.
1. Put 2-4 drops of Eucalyptus oil in a bowl.
2. Cover your face with a towel and inhale for 5-10 minutes.
3. Repeat once or twice a day to get relief from nasal congestion.

Modern Science View
Eucalyptus oil may be useful in managing acne. Certain compounds present in Eucalyptus oil have antibacterial property. Topical application of Eucalyptus oil (in the form of oil or cream) inhibit the activity of acne-causing bacteria[4][5][19]. Always mix Eucalyptus oil with Coconut oil or any carrier oil before applying on the skin.
How effective is Eucalyptus oil?
Insufficient evidence
Acne, Appetite stimulant, Asthma, Bad odor from mouth, Burns, Dental plaque, Head lice, Inflammation of gums, Inflammation of the airways (bronchitis), Influenza (flu), Nasal congestion (blocked nose), Wound infection, asdfHeadache
Precautions when using Eucalyptus oil

Modern Science View
Avoid using Eucalyptus oil on the skin directly. Dilute it with Coconut oil before applying on the skin.

Modern Science View
Avoid Eucalyptus oil during breastfeeding[4].

Modern Science View
Avoid Eucalyptus oil during pregnancy[4].
FAQs about Eucalyptus oil precautions
How to use Eucalyptus oil
1. Eucalyptus oil
A. Congestion
a. Take 2-5 drops of Eucalyptus oil.
b. Dilute with 1 teaspoon of Coconut oil
c. Massage on the chest to get relief from congestion and cough.
1. Take some boiling water in a large bowl.
2. Add 2-5 drops of Eucalyptus oil into the water.
3. Cover your face with a towel.
4. Inhale the vapors for 5-7 minutes to get relief from cold, cough and nasal congestion.
B. Pain relief
a. Take 2-4 drops of Eucalyptus oil.
b. Dilute with 1-2 teaspoon of Coconut oil.
c. Massage on the affected area to get relief from pain.
A. Congestion
a. Take 2-5 drops of Eucalyptus oil.
b. Dilute with 1 teaspoon of Coconut oil
c. Massage on the chest to get relief from congestion and cough.
1. Take some boiling water in a large bowl.
2. Add 2-5 drops of Eucalyptus oil into the water.
3. Cover your face with a towel.
4. Inhale the vapors for 5-7 minutes to get relief from cold, cough and nasal congestion.
B. Pain relief
a. Take 2-4 drops of Eucalyptus oil.
b. Dilute with 1-2 teaspoon of Coconut oil.
c. Massage on the affected area to get relief from pain.
Frequently asked questions

Modern Science View
Taking Eucalyptus oil bath can give you relief from stress and pain. Just add 1-2 drops of oil into the bathing water.
But, before adding the oil in bathing water, it is recommended to go for a skin allergy test. To do this test:
1. Put 1 drop of Eucalyptus oil mixed with 1 drop of Coconut oil on the skin.
2. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and look for any skin irritation.
3. If you do not find any reaction you can use Eucalyptus oil in bathing water.
But, before adding the oil in bathing water, it is recommended to go for a skin allergy test. To do this test:
1. Put 1 drop of Eucalyptus oil mixed with 1 drop of Coconut oil on the skin.
2. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and look for any skin irritation.
3. If you do not find any reaction you can use Eucalyptus oil in bathing water.

Modern Science View
To use Eucalyptus oil as mosquito repellant:
1. Put the oil in the infusers.
2. Or in spray bottles.
1. Put the oil in the infusers.
2. Or in spray bottles.

Modern Science View
Eucalyptus oil can be inhaled in the form of vapors:
1. Take some boiling water in a large bowl.
2. Add 2-5 drops of Eucalyptus oil into the water.
3. Cover your face with a towel.
4. Inhale the vapors for 5-7 minutes to get relief from cold, cough and nasal congestion.
1. Take some boiling water in a large bowl.
2. Add 2-5 drops of Eucalyptus oil into the water.
3. Cover your face with a towel.
4. Inhale the vapors for 5-7 minutes to get relief from cold, cough and nasal congestion.

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Eucalyptus oil is safe to inhale after adding to hot water. It helps to clear nasal congestion and helps to manage a headache by removing mucus. This is due to its Kapha balancing property.

Modern Science View
Yes, Eucalyptus oil is toxic. Internal consumption of the oil in excess amount may result in poisoning. It is recommended to consult your doctor while taking Eucalyptus oil internally[21].
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The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.